Saturday, July 11, 2009


I long to see you, to touch you and feel you close to me.
You’re so far away sometimes it seems this love shall never be.
When the sun climbs high in the morning, and in the evening
it swings low.
I’m still alone without you, it’s like your touch I’ll never know.
What ever it takes, please understand...if it’s truly in Gods’ plan be your be my man
let us never say, "good-bye" Baby,
Could you try?

The monies may not be the way you desire them to be in place.
If you walk by sight and not by faith, I may never see your face.
My arms are empty and they should not be that way
Can you fill my arms and fill my heart, then baby can you stay?
Can you stay with me forever and can we maybe fall in love?
Can you be the one that I have long, so long been dreaming of?
If it be by boat or car or bus or flying through the sky.....
Could you find you way right to me.....Sweetheart,
could you try?

Time is passing swiftly and the seasons come and go.
My love is waiting for a man that it doesn’t even know.
Like the grapes on a vine my love grows riper with each year
and sweeter as the days go by just wishing he were here.
I reach out....touch nothing....feeling nothing......yet I see,
someday, somewhere, somehow.....somebody loving me.

My soul is aching for a mate to fill my empty nest.
When soul is joined to soul all essence will be blessed.
Then intimacy, then ecstacy, then ecstacy with intimacy
together sharing the load (somebody loves you baby)
coming gently and sweetly together, will inevitable explode.

I’ll then reach out....touching him, ....feeling him.......
my love will never let him go. (somebody loves you ba-by)
I’m wondering if he is you, or if I’ll ever know.
If it be by boat or car or bus or flying through the sky.....
Could you find you way right to Darling,
could you try?

Sandra Sedgwick Williams

(c) Sept. 30, 2007 10:46 A.M.
This, as most of the poems is personal. This is one that hasn’t really been tested except for on the person it was sent to. The story behind this poem is I met a wonderful person online and right now to date, we have never met but we talk on the phone and we are having a beautiful mental romantic love affair.