Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

It's been a while since I've been here. I have indeed been a busy bee. Doing what? Being.....just being. This morning when I woke up I began texting friends the simple words, "Happy Mother's Day!" I even texted a male friend of mine who was a single parent. (was he ever shocked) Then I texted another young friend who grew up from a small child right before my eyes. I wasn't sure if she was a mom or not because it had been a while since I saw her. It seemed all the other new adults were moms so I guessed she was too. She smiled and texted me back and informed me that she in face was not a mom but thanked me anyway. (that was awkward. And how do I know she smiled? It was a text.....because I know her. She always smiles) She shared with me that she had thought about becoming a foster parent and wanted to speak to me about it. My first instinct was to tell her...."Runnnnn" then that short lived thought turned to my own children whom I adopted about 10 years ago. I told her it was a very good idea and I would speak to her about it soon.

One of the greatest thing an adult can give to a child is a good home. But unless you love that child.....or love children and are willing to give up some very important things for that child (like your sanity) It may not be the best move for you. I had actually known all of my children since birth or close to that so I had somewhat of an advantage going into this thing. Or so I thought. My children were 3, 5 and 7 when I got them. The little darlings. the 5 year old was actually my grandchild by blood. Each of the children had a different father, there were actually four children. The last was a new born. All of the fathers were either in prison, jail or freshly released except my son. He was married and living in Louisiana.

We went to court (he flew up for the hearing and was granted full custody by the Judge) the other two children, the 3 and 7 who was now 8, became wards of the state and their natural mother ruled as unfit. They were taken to a shelter and I just could not get past that. I immediately applied to become a foster parent and was given the children. I knew I would have it easy because they knew me from birth. No way was I going to have any problems with these kids that I loved with all of my heart and they loved me back already. I was even told upon graduation from foster parents class, that I was at an advantage over the others who had no history with their children. How wrong could anyone be?

I remember being in the kitchen washing dishes with the oldest who became upset because she didn't get her way about something. She formed her angry little mouth in such a way as to call me a b... she called me a b.... she called me a female dog. My parental instict kicked in as I seized that child in my hands. In the back of my mind I heard, "Remember you signed the no corporal punishment agreement" I turned her lose and made her do .....time out. When I asked her a question, like I so often did my sons when I was raising them....basically to make them think about what ever it was they did, she responded with a smirky, "none ya" I asked, "what?!" She wagged her neck and said again, "none ya" then returned to her state of time out. That's when I immediately went to the Lord, not on my knees but straight up. "Lord, are You sure You wanted me to do this?" His reply was simple and direct, "If you don't....who will?" that was always His response. I hoped He would say, "My mistake, you can send them back" but He never did.

I'll share much more later as to how things went in future blogs, there just isn't enough time or space. But I will tell you this. It was a rough 10 years and I'm so glad that the Heavenly Father knows what He's doing. The 8 year old is not 17, soon to be 18 and wants to study culunary arts and is working with me in our family business. The 5 year old is now 16 and studying to be a lawyer and the 3 year old is now 14 and showing great promise to being the next....I don't know the names of female basket ball stars but she's sure to become the next one.

The children just came to shower me with gifts and to give me home made cards. They are playing the Soul Food "mamma" They each made me a home made card and asked me what I wanted for dinner. What a long way we have come. Them, the Father and me. The oldest one just huged me and whispered, "Loving you is like food to my soul" what a wonderful quote. (I almost cried so I had to send them to get me some water.) I'm going to close for now and just say this, to change a life of someone else often means you have to change your own. It's not always you who will make the difference in their lives but they who will make a difference in yours. As I wipe the sweat of the years from my brow I can in my minds eye see the Lord sitting on His throne smiling back at me. Only He knows just what this journey took and meant to all of us. If I were to hear anything from Him at all right now.....I could only imagine that He would say....."Happy Mother's Day"

Make a difference in a child's life today. Be blessed of the Father and have a great week.